Photo Diary

We had many users submit feedback and suggestion. The number one request was ability to add photos! So we finally introduced this feature to Mimoglow!

You can add one photo as part of your diary entry. You have to give Mimoglow permission to access your camera in order to take the photo.

Mimoglow wants to keep your privacy in mind therefore:

✨ Mimoglow does not store your photos on our servers. Nobody except you can see your photos on your device.

✨ All photos are stored on your device that you took your photo from. For example, if you take a photo on your iPhone, and you use Mimoglow on your iPad, the photo will not show up on your iPad. This is because Mimoglow is not storing your photos on our servers. Because of this, you cannot access your photos from other devices.

✨ If you delete Mimoglow, all your photos will be deleted and Mimoglow will have no way of recovering your photos because they are not stored on our servers.

✨ In the future, we may store photo diary on our servers as a premium feature.

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