Add product we don't have yet

There are millions of skincare products out there and there is no way Mimoglow can have every single product in our database. You can add products that aren’t in our database so that others can also benefit.

  1. Search for your product

  2. Click add it for yourself if you don’t see the product. Make sure to you spelled the product correctly first!

  3. Enter in all the required details

    1. Always add a URL to the product so we can ensure we have the correct information.

  4. Hit the save button on the top right

  5. Product won’t be verified until someone on the team verifies your product.

    1. This ensures we don’t have duplicates and spelling of products are correct. Please do not add make up products, oral medications, etc that doesn’t have to do with skincare.

  6. If you change your mind about a product, click the three ellipsis on the top right and hit delete

How to add notes to a product (2).gif
Elizabeth Shepard